Sant Joan de Boí | Alta Ribagorça
Sant Joan de Boí
Sant Joan de Boí 1

Sant Joan de Boí


  • 11th: First period of construction
  • 12th: Remodelling of the bell tower
  • 16th - 11th centuries: Several remodelling works affecting the original structure
  • 1920 / 1923:  First extraction of paintings
  • 1976 / 1978:  Second extraction of paintings and restoration
  • 1977 / 1998: Restoration and copy of the paintings

Visits: This church is open to the public. Check opening hours and guided visits at the Centre of Romanesque art of Boí Valley.

This church has a basilical floor, three naves separated by columns.

The chevet is composed of three apses: the central one, which was modified, and two semi-circular ones, on the sides.

The square bell tower was attached to the south façade. Its highest level was modified in a later construction phase.

The original mural paintings were extracted between 1919 and 1923. Copies of the internal and external mural paintings have been made recently.

Among the paintings, it is worth mentioning the Bestiary, the Stoning of Saint Stephen and the scene with the musicians and jugglers.



Sant Joan de Boí 1
Sant Joan de Boí 2

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Patronat Comarcal de Turisme de l'Alta Ribagorça | Av. Victoriano Muñoz, 48 | 25520 El Pont de Suert | Tel. 973 69 04 02 |