Roger Gras Guía de Aigüestortes | Alta Ribagorça
Roger Gras Guía de Aigüestortes imatge

Roger Gras Guía de Aigüestortes

Tel. 600 025 918

Guided tours, hiking routes, storytelling, Romanesque visits, wildlife observation, mountain routes, trekking and snowshoeing in the Aigüestortes National Park, in the Boí Valley, in Alta Ribagorça and the central Pyrenees. Activities suitable for families with children, senior citizens, walkers, hikers and lovers of nature, the mountains and their heritage. Services for individuals and organised groups.

Accompanying mountain guide (member AEGM - UIMLA)
Aigüestortes National Park Guide (member AGIPNAESM)
Advanced technician in management of natural and landscape resources.
Freelance photographer

What do you want to do?
Enjoy the authentic Pyrenees

Patronat Comarcal de Turisme de l'Alta Ribagorça | Av. Victoriano Muñoz, 48 | 25520 El Pont de Suert | Tel. 973 69 04 02 |