Camino del Obago | Alta Ribagorça
Camino del Obago  imatge

Camino del Obago

Distance: 1.02 km
Elevation gain: 114 m
Technical difficulty: Moderate
Maximum altitude: 1.091 m
Minimum altitude: 974 m

The Obago Path is a botanical itinerary located in the village of Vilaller, in the region of Alta Ribagorza (Lleida). The path runs along the initial section of the old Castanesa path, between the Riupedrós and Seu de Baix tracks. For centuries, muleteers, shepherds and pedestrians used this route as a channel of communication and exchange between the villages of Vilaller and Castanesa. It is one of the best preserved typical mountain paths in the Barravés Valley. The quality of the cobblestones, the beauty of the moss-covered walls and the shade that presides over much of the route make this short excursion a pleasant experience.
Along the one-kilometre route, you will find a series of panels with information on the most representative species of the valley's flora. The species studied are the following: elm, lime, ivy, box, holly, red pine, hazel, white maple, martinenc oak, moixera, ash, hawthorn, olivereta and sanguinyol.

The installation of this route was carried out thanks to a collaboration project between the Town Council of Vilaller and the Episcopal College of Lleida. It was inaugurated on 1 April 2021 and is one of the tourist attractions of the area.

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Patronat Comarcal de Turisme de l'Alta Ribagorça | Av. Victoriano Muñoz, 48 | 25520 El Pont de Suert | Tel. 973 69 04 02 |