L'Era de Barruera | Alta Ribagorça
L'Era de Barruera  imatge

L'Era de Barruera

Carrer Major, 7
25527 Barruera
Tel. +34 973694192/ 689521268


L'Era works to offer a pleasant and informal experience, with quality local produce. Attentive service in an idyllic setting in the centre of the village of Barruera.
Restaurant specialising in veal, with the Vall de Boí organic veal seal (hamburgers, steaks, entrecôte).

What do you want to do?
Enjoy the authentic Pyrenees

Patronat Comarcal de Turisme de l'Alta Ribagorça | Av. Victoriano Muñoz, 48 | 25520 El Pont de Suert | Tel. 973 69 04 02 | pturisme@ccar.ddl.net